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Webinar: Understanding Your Commercial Lease: Key Provisions Before You Sign

April 1, 2025
06:00 PM - 07:00 PM
Online - Zoom

Are you thinking of renting a commercial space for your business? Renting commercial space is a big responsibility - the success or failure of your business may ride on certain terms of the lease. Before you sign a lease, you should understand the terminology in the contract and agree with the basic terms of the lease, such as the amount of rent, the length of the lease, what is included in the rental rate, external costs, the configuration of the physical space and if you are able to get out of the lease if needed. This webinar will cover both the legal angles and the real estate perspectives of signing a lease.

Topics covered include:

- How to review a commercial lease
- Basic Terms of the Lease (length and renewal options, price, sublease, termination)
- Key repair terms to look out for
- What shared or external costs you may be responsible for
- What is a confession of judgment
- What is a personal guaranty
- Who's responsible for building out the location and obtaining an occupancy permit?
- Preparing a new space once you are open

Marlene van Nelson, Principal, Attorney-at-Law, Trellis Legal, LLC
Lori Moran, Bally Money Real Estate
To register for the Webinar, CLICK HERE!

Registration and Directions

Fee : Free
Location : Online - Zoom

Event Contact Information

Rachel Webber